Bonsai in Unique Displays

I Ain’t 16 Anymore

I’ve had so many birthdays in my life that I really don’t know how old I am. All I know is that I’m one year older than I was last year. I would not be able to remember when my life began if it wasn’t for paperwork.. As I look forward to another birthday, I would like to go back to being 16 again. Those were the good old days, as they say. When I was 16, I was rather oblivious of things that were happening in the world. We didn’t have TV back then and only got a TV when President J. F. Kennedy was assassinated. Dad had to get a TV to keep up with what was going on. I had no internet, computer, cell phone, video games or anything of the like. So in all actuality, I was on my own. One thing that really impressed me about being 16 was that I could get a driver’s license and drive a car. The disappointing aspect about this was, I didn’t have enough money to buy a car and so had to borrow my father’s car when it was convenient for him. Oh boy, those were the days.

The Blossoming Flower Whisperer

When it comes to flowers, I am the epitome of naivety. I have no expertise whatsoever in the plant world. All I see are red, blue and yellow. Don’t get me wrong here; I enjoy flowers. However, when it comes to names, I am off the planet. I don’t need to know the name of a flower to really enjoy that flower. Instead, I enjoy the fragrance and the optics of a row of flowers. If I had to take care of flowers, they wouldn’t last more than 24 hours. Just because you like something doesn’t mean you know how to take care of something. On the other side of this marital relationship, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage is quite the expert when it comes to plant life and developing flowers. She grew up on a farm, and her father was a farmer, so she understands how to take care of plants.

Lessons Learned From Home Ownership

Moving from an apartment to a newly purchased home is an awesome task! Getting organized by figuring out what you own, packing and moving it effectively takes willpower. energy and creativity.

Do Pets Reincarnate?

As an animal communicator one of the most common questions I am asked is, “Will my pet reincarnate?” People like to tell me that they see their new puppy acting just like their old dog and they’re convinced that it is their previous dog that has come back to them. So do pets reincarnate?

Where Oh Where Is My Hair?

I must confess I sometimes get so busy that certain things have slipped my mind. I don’t do this intentionally, but I try to prioritize things in my life. With so many things going on, it is tough to keep up-to-date with everything, even personal items. This is not true with the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. No matter how busy her day is, she always keeps up with everything. She knows things that are happening a week before they actually happen. How she does that, I don’t know, and trust me, I am not going to inquire. I just ask her if I want to know something, and I get the latest on everything. So, why should I waste my time trying to keep up with everything? Maybe I should take her to the horse races this week and ask her today who’s going to win. Looking at my driver’s license, I believe I have a birthday coming up this month. I’m not sure exactly which one it is, but someone in our residence will inform me of that information when it comes time.

Any Pie à La Mode Is My Kind of Pie

Choices are a very important part of our everyday life. I am what I am today because of choices I made yesterday. I would like to blame someone else, but the truth of the matter is, I am what I am because of my choices. I must confess that there are a lot of bad choices I have made throughout my life. I will not name them right here, in fact, I’m trying to forget most of them. It’s a good thing I can’t relive yesterday. However, I have made a few choices that I have made in my life that has been very good. I don’t focus on my bad choices because I can get discouraged. But, I do focus on my good choices because that’s a real source of encouragement. I must say that the best choice that I’ve ever made in my life was marrying the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. I’m really not sure it was my choice, but I will take credit for it. While we were dating, we were once traveling with a group of people, and as we were sitting together, she said something like, “Wouldn’t it be nice to get married?”

The Secrets of the Mysterious End of First Woman to Fly Across the Atlantic

Viagra kills 11 babies in a shocking story! Viagra kills 11 babies in a shocking story!

\”The Importance of Giving”

There is a certain magic that you feel when you give some of what you have and/or some of who you are to brighten someone’s day. This is the true gift of giving.

Bump, Bump, Where’s the Scratch?

Life can get crazy because there are so many crazy people in the world. I know, I’m one. Through the years, I have come to appreciate crazy people. They make life interesting and make me look less crazy than I really am. The interesting thing is that a crazy person shows up in your life when you least expect it. There’s no way you can prepare for these crazy episodes. If only I could wear a camera on my glasses, I could make a fortune. The other day I drove through the McDonald’s drive-through to order my morning cup of coffee to take to my office. Of course, I do that every morning as a routine. This morning was rather a stressful kind of a morning, and I had a schedule I wanted to complete for the day. So I was thinking about what I was going to do as I was driving through the drive-through. In front of me was a blue car and a lady driving it.

Co-Parenting With a Narcissist: Time to Grow a Pair

Everyone who has been through it knows that co-parenting takes effort. There is no easy way to plan, coordinate, and properly execute every aspect of a child’s life, especially when you must do it in two separate households, with a self-centered non-cooperative team member.

Why Do I Have So Many Toes?

I must confess that I’m not always obvious to everything that is before me. I admit I miss a lot of things set before me. I don’t do this intentionally. For example, sometimes, when I come home from the church office, I pass the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage, and she is waving at me, but I don’t see her. When I get home, she confronts me about it. I know it happened because, well, she told me it happened. I wasn’t very obvious of the situation at the time. Some things I see, some things I don’t see. And I’m not sure the difference between either one. I don’t know why I miss some things and not others. But I do, and I guess that’s part of my personality. I know I have ten toes, five on each foot, and one on each foot is a big toe. I have known that since I could recognize things. I will not tell you how long that is because my calculator doesn’t go up that high.

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