Tips on Improving Small Bonsai

So today I have one of my Ardent YouTube Followers cooler from originally from Sri Lanka originally from Sri Lanka I Should ask that you know I get into Trouble where are you from Scotland yes in Scotland for many years And in 2018 you started following me in The early days of our YouTube videos and Now you've retired and moved down and Since 2018 you've been having a lot of Fun doing Bonsai so these are the Original pots I sent you correct and Some trees and these are your attempts Which are quite good but I will just Give you some tips on how to improve Them oh yes I always like certainly you Have to report that so this YouTube did We Supply you or did you buy local you Sent it by careers you see these are the YouTubes we sent four years ago all Right we need to do some wiring so I Will just give you some more tips some Instant uh lesson in Bonsai so it seems You've grown it very healthy Uh in this pot but we need to give it Some So as they say Wiring does wonders to the tree and with Just a bit of wine I've done the two Branch principle by linking a chunk to One of this thick branches here yeah so I didn't stick it in the ground but I Will use that branch To provide the anchor so

I've used the two Branch principle in Effect Okay now that I've put the wire on we Will just give it an interesting Bend Twist Fortunately you trees are very Flexible Not all conifers are flexible but u3 is Particularly flexible So even with that thick wire Takes quite a lot to bend it I use three and a half millimeter water Yeah But it's not enough The branches are still a bit strong the Trunk trunk the trunk As you know the U trees are used for Making the pose so they do spring back Let me just apply another Coil of War To give it some added Strength Don't be in a rush to take the wire off Now Stay at least two years To have any effect You can still stay in the same Hotel yes Has it been in this first four years uh Three years three years did you report It at least straight from the foot you Sent them to me okay it took me one year To get the courage to repot it and learn Something and then three years now do You do gardening yes so if you

Understand gardening then it comes Naturally always think of it as growing Plants in a country in a pot yeah three In a pot bonsai Yeah I don't know if there is a local Bonsai Club near you where you are now living But uh there may be the nearest could be Like looking that way I'm not sure if there's anything in Watford I haven't explored that yet because my Only hope was okay I'm in Watford Peter Is in Sussex I'll make a trip one day And so many years oh one and a half Years now in England since we moved from Scotland today we managed to make it Okay you see so double color why I was Able to bend that ah so what was Absolutely straight you may need to Report it so that the tree is more in The center okay okay so And then you can refine it I've done the Basic shape yes Actually I have so much muscles to do That or the guts to do that What if Leave it in the expert chance Wow So let's do some more branches I've done the basic shape you can Do the wiring of the branches every Single Branch you can wire Don't forget it's only a Pastime a hobby

So you can take your time No rush yeah See just by arranging the branches so These branches can be arranged as well Find the bigger branches This is what I would teach when you If you were to cover a class you see the Sound And then these branches can be worked Not very much [Music] Don't forget to prune them as well So that is going to be the front rather Than this then you have to report it Like this Maybe also at an angle like that can you See yeah yeah I got that yeah just gets A better shift Yeah that's right absolutely right So I won't finish it I give you the Pleasure of completing it I think So you can see that you now need to wire These small branches so the tree looks Like this Okay so that is the future shape of the Shape I like that with that that angle Okay So you can complete that one okay now This one also the scotch one I see You've done some very clever thing what Have I done tied the trunk together Because I didn't want the marks oh don't Worry the Box will grow out Maybe let us see how we can this again

Supplied by us These four all from us are your products These four the starter trees These my experiments okay Now let us change the shape of this tree Okay as you wish yeah In fact the way you've done this the Ancient Chinese people used to do trees Like this they used to do it very Contorted like octopus yeah make it look Like an octopus And to find a pine like that is real Isn't it I just noticed another Pineapple sitting here somewhere yeah a Little bit like that yeah But I will straighten it more because it Looks a bit too controlled but we can Improve it Every tree can be improved everything There's no such thing as confidence Perfect Foreign Just the right greater why this is too Strong It's not necessary I think this should Be right this is I think three and a Half minutes I always tell people there's no right And the wrong way if you do it and you Think it's in the right thing Do you enjoy it it's the wrong way for You Yeah You're feeding your clothes yes

You're doing the right feeding time yes Yes good To rewire this tree Scotch Pines don't worry about wire Moss I think you're too much You know Scotch points lend themselves To what is called the literary style so Although you've made like octopus style I will convert it to a literate style Which is a classic Chinese style do you Like it At the club in Scotland where I used to Go every first Friday of the month every First Friday oh every month yeah and There were two gentlemen who have been Doing it for like 30 40 years yes And Roger has a little garden and what He has another Garden a smaller version And They are the people who did the Technical practical side of my knowledge With Peter's YouTubes I put it in my Head and go there yes you watch me Though yeah they used to watch you and They have been doing it for many years As well so we are still in touch I get I'm in the mailing list for the first Friday meeting I still get emails So you worked in Scotland for many years Uh Four years when we lived here in Newcastle I had a shop then we gave that Up and I got the opportunity to run Petrol stations on a commission operator

Basis so yeah we got an opportunity in Scotland Went for a two-year contract and did six Of them And then kovit came in 2020 and we Thought well that's enough now Find some time to spend time with them There was one video where I showed one Sri Lankan doctor do you remember that I Did a very nice view with him Thousands of videos about 500 videos is It all right okay Yeah but as you know Bonsai is followed By people of every race culture even the Dreaded Russian people I have nothing Against Russian people they're very nice People we have big following in Iran Okay maybe a lot of Iranian YouTube Videos are watching this when this get Broadcast I was surprised Yeah I was talking about The Iranian tree was called President And uh I suddenly had inundated in my Instagram Instagram account that we have Thousands of these trees in my country So I said what country is that they said In Iran So in Iran there's a big following of Bonsai and they make very nice Bonsai They can grow Maples and also Iranian People also doing a lot of online So

I was really surprised I didn't know That I was following Russia that has Been falling upons Russia Poland Czechoslovakia so I've Straightened the tree oh look at that Very nice shape yeah it's like the more Open shape more So this is a classic motorcycle [Music] We don't need these low branches because Most of the Beauties are the top okay So the Pines don't forget to trim the Ends for trimming the ends you can get What they call butt back but break Further back yeah okay so I never Dreamed this because I was not sure I Followed a lot of first here and there But still didn't get the hang of yeah So they say you got to be a bit bored Yes Don't be frightened don't be frightened He could always go again if you make a Mistake it will grow again Very tolerant yeah they are yeah So let's wire these branches together I always say that every plant situation Is different that's why whenever I see a Potential Subject for Bonsai I still get Excited looking at it because I Immediately said to myself what can I do With that you know You see the potential in him yeah Especially these trees which came from

Us five or four five years ago yeah so They're still doing okay Going nicely To that And that shirt so by putting this here You've got the whatever Back okay you get more butts going and This is the time to do this isn't it we Are going into spring yeah spring yeah It will start by April May you will get Lots of new shoots It will give you exciting part See when I'm hesitating yourself to find The right way to why you don't use the Right here it doesn't work no Thank you I'm just going to twist the top a little [Music] Foreign Friends Mainly in the dancer could believe it or Not yeah Oh knuckles Foreign Foreign Classic You know Okay yeah thank you so that is More open not an octopus okay so that is That one but yes you've done very well Huh yeah this is a cutting from Honeysuckle yeah beautiful I want my Side that's perfect this is this will Come back

You've done well I've just created more Of a see it is very flat you can see why Hasn't he like burst like they have Maybe give some more fertilizer more Fertilizer okay feed a little more What I'm going to give you an apex so it Opens it up more conventional style Because it's too flat these trees Protumbens because I wait for this I Guess what I'm in the garden I have a Green carpet yes they are now over 30 Years Why did you take it off I left for Scotland and you left it there there Come back to the same house so I said look at my car Green carpet laid Out so I followed that About only one and a half years but they Like the temperature in summer here than The temperature in summer in Scotland Five degrees less Yeah Oh it's a lovely day there we say Check the temperature 18 Celsius blue Skies 18 Celsius 20 if you're lucky But we enjoyed to stay there yeah Lots of places to go and we went on the North Coast 500 route all the way twice We did it Or did you live in the south before that Yeah I mean Watford Watford I need to run a petrol station in Newton Then that was closing or went up for

Sale so we took one year time off More than 10 Millions yeah I noticed the Games Look at that how different he's looking Now oh my gosh Lots of flat So turn it on grow more branches so that It's not compressed so that is Same with this one this one perhaps you Can plant it more this angle you re-pot It This ship is there okay why are some of These branches like that this color of The root very good very good it needn't Be white no no this is this is like oh Sure this this I don't want to deny you The places you have to wire these Branches more flat like that and repot It at this angle okay So I'll leave you to do that and this is From a 99p uh Tesco Christmas Springs There's some sort of So first I couldn't wire them it was so Cool Yeah type of Cyprus so to expanding I Used to tie a stones and hang it on the Branches yes that's one of the Recognized ways maybe I didn't have Enough wire and not much knowledge my Idea was to make it straight and look Spread it out she said why don't we die I said don't be silly but she helped me And then it worked yeah now five years Later 2016. during Christmas in olden

Days in China they used to do that Really yes it's a very traditional Technique I thought I was the first to Invent that Yeah you don't have to reinvent the Wheel yeah All these tools you need to put Otherwise get too long And do a bit of worry okay we do a bit Of Wiring to open the tree off a little More I will just print for you you're a Bit scared to cook Not surgical hands Look at that so we have open it like That When you get a better shape tube When I took it out of the cold can first The plant was only about that thing Really yeah four years coming to five This Christmas You're surprised what you can do with So-called Christmas trees you know that Yeah throw away people throw them away You remember I did something with the Spices They make very nice Again feed it a little more but don't Worry about this brown color this brown Color go back to green bronzing color Videos in the summer They become bright green again So like this also you have to worry or Do that for you as well

Wiring is the key to a lot of bridge Shaping okay the beauty yeah so don't be Afraid to work I think a lot of people are afraid it's Not that they're lazy Like if I kill it yeah you're not Actually helping them to burst again Yeah sure I've opened the doctor yes I can see That Just feed it Don't rush to take the water So we will prove that a little bit so You've got to work on some so yeah so we Don't say to plant a report like this Can I leave this side exposed to the no No no no just taste the root salt and Put it and so they will go down and put It at that time okay I get you okay good Thank you thank you Peter it was a Pleasure [Music] Foreign [Music]

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