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Uh hello everybody Peppa prayer from Heaven's Bonsai here again I'm going to try out a method I've never Tried before Um so I thought I might share it with You whilst I'm having a go and maybe we Can follow it through in a follow-up Video to see if it actually worked or Not Um you've probably seen our videos on Air layering but there is also another Technique that is called Ground layering So Um this probably isn't maybe my choice That I would use but for the sake of Filming I just thought it would be a Really easy uh Specimen for you to see what's going on So this is a pine I think it's probably A black pine I'm not absolutely sure And normally what we would be doing is Growing these and cutting them down Growing them and cutting them down as Usual but Um when you cut stuff down obviously You're wasting quite a lot of material That you might be able to use So what you can do instead of just Cutting that and throwing it away is you Can do what's called Ground layering so What you're going to need for this is a Little bit of sphagnum moss A drainage medium A weight of some description this is
Just a piece of rock I've found in the Field Some hormone rooting powder if you like To use that sort of thing And a couple of tools A brush for application of the Hormone routine a good sharp knife And something to dig a hole with so I spoke Japanese root So The idea of ground layering is that you Take a stem of a tree that's low to the Ground and then essentially bury it in The ground And try and get it to root from the Points back here whilst keeping the rest Of the tree So first thing to do is just take off Any of the needles that you're not going To want to use So you can see where the needles grow There's quite a few uh Um where the needles join the branch There's quite a few little points of of Uh high growth potential so this is the Piece that I'm actually going to choose To try and get to root into the ground So I'm not going to need this piece here So we can probably remove that Okay Just to take that off And this one here again I'll just take That off okay one thing that you might Want to consider doing is is that if I
Just lay this air lay this in the ground Like this and staked it up we're missing Out On a potential to put some movement into A tree Okay so what I've done is I've brought a Piece of wire I'm just going to wrap This around the tree loosely Nothing too special at this stage Um and then as we would do normally just Put a bit of movement into this [Music] So maybe creating something of a sort of Bonsai shape right from the word go And then the next job Is to just remove Just a piece of the cambium layer like We would do on a normal air layering And it's this area That I'm hoping The Roots will Sprout from So I'm just going to dig a hold of where I think that's going to be so somewhere There [Applause] So I've now got myself a little hole Down there So what I'm going to do is going to put A bit of my drainage medium in the Bottom And then I'm going to put a layer of Sphagnum moss And then what I'm going to do Is
Orientate my tree Into that Gap And then what I'm going to do to try and Hold it down that's what the Rock's for Is put the rock on top of it but just Before I do that I'll put some more of This drainage medium On the top [Applause] And then I can put my rock on that like That and hopefully that's going to hold That down Um so I did bring a stick to wire this Too but I don't think it really needs it But I'm going to put it there as the Marker because when Steve's out doing The lawnmower in he might mow straight Over that and that quite simply is the Technique as I've seen Um done but as I said I've never tried This before so it is a bit of an Experiment so we'll come back in about Six months time and see whether we've Managed to propagate this Pine and Giving ourselves a new starter tree So thanks for watching I'll see you Again next time Foreign [Music]