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Today is the 20th of February and we are Going to do a video about A day At Terence Bonsai not the usual run of The milde but there are bits of our Routine jobs but we also have Kevin Wilson here again and we also have Chrissy Some of you will know Chris issues to Run her own Bonsai Nursery So she's here with Kevin and I also have My Usual cameraman Josh And we're gonna work on several trees so This as we say is a day in the life of Harris Bonsai uh unusual day so we have Here Josh is going to work on one of These Japanese use Texas crispy data and I'm going to ask Kevin to share the Benefit of his wisdom to show how he Tackles these trees let's show you one That he did recently so this is the raw Material that we get from Japan I would Say that these are at least 20 Euro Trees and he is produced this beautiful Thing this could be potted like that Okay at that angle yeah I think we may Even put it today it's quite safe yeah All right so If I can ask Kevin to explain because Josh is going to work he's going to have The benefits Kevin's wisdoms as we are Also going to get the benefit of his
Wisdom so tell us what you look for in a Tree like that first of all the I can See that it's got a lot of lovely I mean It it's really powerful device this tree Yeah so you know you know that's that's Quite encouraging straight away yes but What I'm going to do here is I know this Is in there for its healthier well I'm Going to take this sphagnum Moss away Because the first thing that we need to Think about this one Um no I think we'll just uh we'll just Slightly uh So we can see the extent of the nabari On there yeah as you can see yeah it's I Mean it's quite a substantial nabari Yeah lovely yeah that indicates power Straight away yeah okay so now the thing I do right is I look for the line Through the tree so what I'm just I'm Disregarding all the branches right I'm Just looking for a line to the top Um and Josh if you can get me some Blocks I will uh We want to definitely change the Orientation on this year so what I'm Going to do right here is um I'm now going to find the line So I think immediately when we turn it Like this Like that yeah you know makes the line More dramatic makes the line more Dramatic and the other thing is is some
Of those branches are quite thick at the Top yeah so we actually need to use some Of those as the Apex yeah okay so it's a Bit truncated yeah it's a little bit you Know we're getting into a large amount Of thickness here with these branches Um so we're going to have to remove some Yeah okay so now I think that's the line Yeah in there and it doesn't have the Correct movement yeah the thing with the The truth here they should look like They're balanced and there's something Slightly unbalanced here for my eye yeah So what I'm going to do is pull it this Way And then suddenly the balance appears Yeah Like this And I think possibly either what I'm Going to do is use this as the Apex okay Or this one is the Apex but one of those Has to go yeah And I was talking to Josh here you know I mean he's got a He's got an understanding of tree he's a Tree surgery Aaron loves treasure and we Were talking earlier on yeah and he was We were both commenting on this Particular brand now this particular Branch is a principal branch is Fantastic yeah really even though it's Thick yeah because what it does here is That's powerful yeah okay if we're going To use a thin one here as a principal
Branch it doesn't look the same at all People normally just look for the thin Branches why are all the thin brush well I will I mean if I could do that I would Do that but we have some thick bands That's not a bad thing but this is a Beautiful principal Branch yeah you know And it's also like something you know Like a friendship Branch you know Sometimes in Japan yeah we have a very Long branch yeah that's considered to be A friendship Branch so I think possibly We call it a coat hanger yeah but I Think that's what we're going to do is Make a friendship Branch here with this Branch okay yeah just to um you know it Would be a standard generic Bonsai yeah You know what I mean if we just didn't Think about it in this yeah so that's What we're going to do here so what I'm Going to do is put some asymmetry into The tree now yeah so I'm just gonna Just gonna I'm gonna cut this out Because it's right in the front I'm going to keep this one as a gin oh And Obviously what we'll do is we'll tear This and wire this you know Obviously that will be the first branch On that side here maybe not even that One I might even use this one this might Even be cut gear Um now Which one should I use the top obviously
Yeah this part here here is going to be Um carved carved you know so you know We've got a We can do a lovely little tension here At the top there With this Um okay what should I use Probably what I'm gonna do Is use this one I'll use both of those here there's Quite a lot of branches on that I'm Going to take this one out this is too Much But you see like you know the thing is Right is everyone gets Caught up here in the in the moment of Trying to choose all their branches here You know I mean but if you Decompartmentalize it yeah and start With the trunk line and the orientation And the top you can't go wrong here you Know I mean it's not so complex here you Know you know you're breaking it down Into smaller units yeah it can be uh It could be understood yeah So I think possibly The other thing I learned ways back Was um Something that Peter Adams said to me of All people yeah Peter said to me uh Simplify your designs you know I mean You know it's uh cut your asymmetry in And simplify your design Because it's too complex here you're
You're in trouble Yeah but it won't be the back here by The time we've carved this yeah it'll Actually be in the front the front okay You know because this is Right that's why I'm making it lean like That also yeah it looks more balanced You can see how much we've got to work With there yeah but the other thing is Right you think I want to cut all those Branches off how the hell is it going to Make a bonsai tree out of it but you Know it's what I said last time it's the Story of the tree yeah so you have to Show the snow here on the tree you know It's a mountain tree it's got dead wood So all of those branches will come down And by the time I finished yeah you Won't know the difference that I've cut Any branches off you know so it'll be a Full through yeah So um okay that's about it yeah for Setting up the branches Um and cutting off and you know using What we need so you took pretty quick Decisions as to what to remove it and We've removed four pretty hefty branches Really yeah I mean it's a yeah it seems Like it's yeah okay but if you think Yeah you know when you do bonsai every Day of your life yeah you know Um you know then you know you know what You're doing so what you've done is Keeping the front clear yeah and the
Main branches that you know you're going To use and you're going to have this Original effects going to be changed That's going to be changed and then There's going to be that back branch Which has got quite good tape are going To be there that will be the Apex So obviously then yeah we've got you Know and the other thing is is the story Yeah which we spoke about last time Um you know if there's any damaged areas Here you know what we have to do is Actually indicate the damage that went On so this one is like rounded and Healed off yeah you know what I mean What I'll do is come into there here and And put some more damage here and when I Do this here I'll come into here and Make the damage come down here further Yeah so you're going to open that out I'll open it out yeah you know Um and this is coming too too near to You yeah you know what I mean so I'll Probably I'll probably diminish this Yeah yeah because it's the other thing Is an aggressive gym of what I call an Aggressive gin if it's pointing at you Yeah it's not very good here it's not Welcoming you you know you know what you Should be doing when you're walking up To a trees you in your mind you should Want to walk up to the tree and sit Underneath it okay let's try and be a Bit controversial just looking at the
Tree like this yeah wouldn't that also Be a possible a little front they could Be a front you know they're still Powerful you still got the light so Powerful the line's still there and also Right yeah you've got your lazy Ashia Which is uh classical yeah Um but the thing that determined made to This design yeah this way is you'd still Have the laziest but it's more of a Spiral but it's this principle okay good Okay good all right oh So you're marking the areas you're going To calm it's just going to Mark the Areas where we're going to remove the Bark And I'll do a marker and chalk here so There's no mistake here you know I mean It'll pop out then yeah But you can see right I'm keeping the Same Rhythm yeah Um all the way through the tree yeah It's one of the things that You know um are probably learned off of Looking at the pictures of Mr kimura's Work In a great master dimura and what he Tends to do is everything has the same Rhythm yeah from the root yeah to the Two of course you know so that's what We're trying to do there's a natural Patina of maybe you know uh 200 years 300 years there and obviously it's going To have the same movement and the same
Look the same natural look so that's What we're going to do yes keep that Same Rhythm yeah this here I'm reflected In the dead wood and this here I'll do The same as well I'll just reflect the the tree shape Yeah the swole the very good idea of That tree yeah Lead into this That will lead into this one this one Leads that way yeah it's got the same Movement the tip of that leans off this Way yeah you know you know if we don't Take too much off that'll become a live Vein in there So actually I'm gonna Mark it with chalk as well so we've got No No mistake where it's uh coming off So as always was to Market although some People come without wow Willy-nilly I've done workshops here Where people have uh actually gone Around and bring bought the whole Apex Or something yeah because it's not Marked out for them yeah I'm sure just Won't do that yeah he's uh he's a tree Surgeon he knows what he's doing here But uh you know just you know obviously People at home are going to try this Year so I think it's probably best to Mark out you know where you're going and Then you go making it mistakes you know So that's about it yeah
So I'm going to leave that to you now Josh here to remove those areas and I'll Come back and carve it yeah I mean you Know I was just saying no you know cut the Top off yeah once you've um once you've You've got your main branches here you Know what I mean then you use all the Smaller branches when you've got a tree With thicker branches like this here you Know then you come down you leave the Thicker branches yeah you choose them so You've got your asymmetry and you've got A framework and then you start using the Smaller branches off of that yeah you Know what I mean that's what I could Explain [Music] Yeah So let's talk something about the tools We are going to cut this lumpy bit off And we brought I'm not here selling Chainsaws I'm not a Chainsaw salesman but Kevin was just Remarking that this little tool here is Ideal for cutting branches like this and The advantage Kevin you're saying rather Than a reciprocated reciprocating saw Yeah obviously is reciprocating yeah so What it tends to do is shake the roots To hell yeah I don't know it jutters the Whole thing you know whereas this is a Smoother cut yeah you know what I mean I Don't know what it's going to react
Right to you but I'm going to hand over To Josh because Josh is a professional Tree surgeon yeah okay Um you know obviously I've got a Chainsaw license but okay for the job But for things like this you know a lot Of people will criticize on YouTube oh You're not doing 50 health and safety You should be wearing a mask and gloves But I think within reasons goggles yeah That's what it says you should be using Okay all right Church But actually they're prescription one so I think it's wobbly see if they work or Not yeah Three seconds Three seconds to cut that lump off If you were to use a circus At five to ten minutes there you are and A sweater so as a matter of Interest Uh I don't know how intensively or how Rapidly they're grown But let's count the rings on this some Of you who can Pause your video you can have a count And see how many rings there are Let's see how old this tree is because Some of the trees which they grow in Japan their masters are growing trees so They may not be as old as would appear So I'll tell you how old this tree is in A minute They're counting the Rings you can count
The Rings as well The inner rings are very close together So the inner rings are that alone is About 12 to 15. the outer Rings another Seven I would say so we would say that This could be like 25 years old About 25 year old tree there you go 25 year old treat true age And I can believe it but don't forget They've been putting pots for the last Three to five years so it would have Slowed the growth down quite a bit so There we go so we're ready to do the Next stage so we're removing more bark Are we Let me show you what Josh has done so Far he's removed the doctor he's cut the Apex out And this is prior to What is next are we going to carve this Before we do any warring yeah I'll call It before we um do mine do it do Anything else because uh obviously You're gonna walk outside you're gonna End up with a small industrial accident Here so we'll uh we'll do the carving Okay get that out of the way and then Just can carry around okay good job man Yeah so we can see the beauty of the Trunks Okay Get the power tools out and start Becoming noisier like a dentist shop We are now ready to carve this bit and I
Was just observing what choice of tool Kevin was making now this is the terrier Is it the bigger Terrier yeah the two Terriers there's a little one there's a Little one yeah for several meetings oh This one yeah that's for going inside Here and carving inside yeah obviously You don't need the big one because what You're going to do there's one go in the Hole no you're going to tear you're Outside Um uh line yeah you need your outside Line of the tree yeah for your Shadow Yeah so um you know for profiles and Cutting the first cut yeah you know I Mean this is really good and then you Move on to this why can't you use a Small one for a profile no the trouble Is right yeah you've got more control Over this one because I saw a bigger Head yeah you know I mean the smaller Head tends to whiz round okay so if You've got you know if you're putting This inside and it's got an outside edge It doesn't okay Josh [Applause] Yeah man [Music] I'm looking for a big bigger tool Doesn't cover as much as the living one If you do this sort of work now if you That's what I said dear this is only for Doing the inside if you try and do the Outside work with this year it will spin
Off and you'll do some damage to you it Can be in low yeah but you can see this Cuts Like butter so these are the only Two bits you really need is it well I Would say that you need those two bits Yeah there's other things there's Different profiles that you might need Yeah for doing different things here but That and this little Tool in here if I can find it Um yeah this no it's not that one I might have to tip it all out to find It yeah so I'll show that one in a minute yeah but Is it from keto for the journal well for The dremelon okay which I call the Pencil yeah But yeah for doing any major carving you You know I mean these are these are the Two that we need yeah You know Look it's just And if you're not aggressive with it Yeah You know it'll just take out the amount Of wood you want to take out you know Yeah No it's hardly anything I'm you know Obviously I've got a firm grip on the Machine but I'm not putting a huge Amount of pressure yeah [Music] [Music] It's always a good idea Josh yeah when
You're a when you're doing in a year Splitting you to make sure you've got a Long-handled pair of your gym Plies you Know you just get that much more fulcrum If you've got a short one yeah you'll Find it difficult here to rub your wood Yeah but if you've got a bigger fulcrum Here on the yeah on the gym part things Happen like this right when you're doing A little tiny piece of wood there you Know and some people might well go oh I Had this thing in my head right you had To remove all of that yeah you know but You get a happy little accident like That yeah you know what I mean it's Really natural yeah you know And you need to know when to leave those Things yeah you know [Applause] And as I said in the last video yeah I Was talking to Peter Um a small junior is an old gin yeah a Long gin is a new Junior so what we're Trying to do is make this as small as Possible yeah yeah Just to make it ancient See the The Carving is uh is all very Well and good Um but it's just a little trickier you Do and you need to do it yeah If you can do this here it's uh it's Much better You get a much more natural effect yeah Wow you can see that there you know I
Mean it's stunning it looks like an old Gin you know It's just nice Um Just going to change the shape on these Slightly yeah yep yeah That's a little bit symmetrical yeah you Know I mean so we'll just put a little Bit [Music] You know that's by no means finished Yeah you know what I mean but you have a Start yeah you know I mean there's Something quite dramatic there and there Now yeah nice yeah So what I'm gonna ask you to do now just Right is get rid of that one yeah Because what I'm saying I said about Everything being in the same rhythm you Know everything's in the same Rhythm all The way from the root to the Apex yeah Now this one just isn't in Rhythm There's no way we could move that here You know so that has to be removed here Unlike this one yeah that's showing the Snow yeah we really like this shoe you Know I mean and I'm going to manipulate This I'm going to show you another Technique here with this when we put the Wire on you and uh it's quite clever Yeah we're gonna keep this one Um Do you know what it's right out the back And I think uh probably you could have a
Little practice on that Josh I swear you Know just have a rip like I did on this One yeah you know what I mean so you Know what you're doing here you know and This one we were remove entirely yeah But this one yeah I think what I'm going To do is a little technique here that I Learned of a Marco and Venezia When he first left camira's Garden I I hounded him here to come to my Garden yeah because I wanted to know Some techniques of the Great Master yeah You know what I mean definitely you know And uh and Marco came in I said show me Something you haven't shown anybody yet And he did this technique there where he Put y around the branch like that that He was going to Gin a fresh Branch mind And then he twisted it with two pairs of Gym pliers yeah so the whole thing was Spiraled inside yeah you know and uh Then he said a year later yeah when That's set You know you then split the end right And pull it yeah and that piece of bark Comes all the way around you and you get A natural and I was like oh my God yeah Man you know so you know stuff like that Yeah it's just Fantastic yeah he's learning for people Yeah you know what I mean it's uh it's Just things that people have tried here You know what I mean also David Benavente in my garden yeah a few years
Back you know when he used to come over And spend holidays with me yeah you know And uh we worked in an experiment about Carving a trap was also a Camaro Technique that he'd seen he was privy to A few of the you know the finest things That the the Kimura did behind closed Doors and Um because he was working for Lewis and Um We called that the center of a pine tree Yeah it was straight yeah completely so It's just balled both sides in and hold Right through the middle yeah and then Put a bar on it here and twisted it yeah So we ended up a Twisted Pine yeah so I Mean there's Endless technician you can have a Manipulating trees here but So yeah what I'm going to get you to do Right there's Um Cleaned this one off completely cut that One off And then also right yeah take the Dremel With one of these sanding flaps here and Clean off all these areas yeah just Clean off the bursure yeah you know So that's your next job yeah okay so let Me show you what we've done so far this Is what Kevin has got tool is hollowed Out that stump of a trunk to make the Taper less obtrusive more convincing and There's going to be a new leader so this
Is how the tree is shaping up This is all the carving work look at all Debris here and it's our lunch break at The moment so we're going to walk into The Zen meditation haul We're not going to meditate but we're Going to have lunch So this is all in a day's work [Music] It's a dry day but not sunny But it's Pleasant enough the temperature Is 14 degrees Centigrade And here we go Yeah So this is our lunch Very nice Yeah it's absolutely delicious it really Is So the Indian tri-color orange white and Green this is the Japanese radish lovely So bon appetit [Music]