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More Styling Techniques with Kevin Wilson – Day 2

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Right let's discuss this tree You want to sit yeah promise it oh Like everything we can always improve it So You can see how it's going it had like Two apexes The way they've bent it my God they must Have been that's all bent artificially You can still see the wire Mouse I mean You bent it like a double s almost Yeah that's been done with uh I'm sure Yeah with a Reebok you know it was going Straight up isn't it yeah But you know Marco's worked here before Isn't he yeah and you've seen him yeah We actually bust the branch here to get Around yeah And uh what with the Intel gallons yeah And then these sort of junipers you can Do that yeah Um You can see right obviously it's an Import from Japan And uh it's come over right yeah and um It is still raw material basically yeah Um it's a beautiful tree you know and Some people might take it as isn't go Away so that's a beautiful tree yeah but It needs refinement what the Gins the Gyms needs environment but also the Foliage news refinement yeah you know There's areas on this tree here that Will need cutting yeah you're not going To get the tape which correct in there

Gins look a bit you know don't they they Are crude I mean they're just bits we Just shave the bottle absolutely yeah You know and that don't really fit in With the Rhythm yeah you know what I Mean they need a bit see they look like Winter they're all going in One Direction yeah you know so they need to Be shorter and they need to be you know There needs to be some some texture in Them and that's what I'm going to do is Snap them and tear them first Um Friend is dictated on the front is Almost dictated by the dead wood isn't It really yeah so I think you know and Also this this twist here you know in There you know so I think we're talking About the front there obviously the Person who's done it right yeah has put This in as a back Branch here from the Top yeah you know I mean yeah stunning Tree yeah you know what I mean it is you Know but uh it does need some refinement Yeah you know you know a lot of these Trees that come from Japan yeah people Take them as as given that they're done You know well the bonsai's never done Yeah Um and these guys who make these trees In Japan I have to say they're Heroes Yeah because they have a scripture to to Make a bonsai tree that's a commercial Thing yeah and they do it in such an

Artistic way yeah but they have lots to Do yeah so and they actually do it yeah They know that it's going to be worked On more year when it's so when it's Actually purchased so I mean this is a Beautiful thing don't get me wrong as it Stands but if you want to get the real Detail in there you yeah you have to do The refinement yeah on everything on the Foliage and the dead wood yeah so the First thing I'm going to do is refine The Gins yeah I'm going to start um Putting some texture and some nature in There you know things like this look I Mean this doesn't fit in at all you know Um you know and it's never going to yeah You know I mean if it was leaning that Way slightly yeah you know I'd keep it And probably carve it into another trunk Here that died off but both of these Yeah are really strange so I'm going to Start with those bottom areas first year You know Um and possibly No it's just ridiculous you normally It's dead wood for Deadwood sake yeah so I think what we're gonna do right is you Know what I was saying about earlier About the line in the tree yeah you know Forget about everything else right the First thing that is disturbing the line You know if you've got this beautiful Movement yeah your eye goes shooting off The one before you even started looking

At earlier so I think the first thing We're going to do is come is cut that Off yeah you know small chainsaw yeah The small chainsaw definitely yeah So that's going to come off here that's The first thing and then I'm going to Put some texture into this one by Tearing it yeah [Music] [Music] Is that hot yeah So please Show the inside looks let's see that box Look at that Can get the Lovely smell Like the youth they have this dual color Okay That is off The six not busted Careful I've just noticed something this Side is also quite a nice front isn't it Thank you I mean that is quite nice Um to take the branch away but yeah You're gonna yeah you know he's done all The work yeah I mean it's there yeah but I think you're showing too much live Yeah you know what I mean okay on for me Yeah you know the Driftwood Direction I mean look at the I mean you have got you've got to watch It because you go around too far yeah And you've actually got a bit of a Reverse type of because of this year you

Know but where you are You know you get that movement yeah and Half life it's really important you and You know yourself here to show up to Show that live phone yeah you know Um so that's what we want to do is you Know a half and a half mixture yin and Yang of dead and alive yeah you know What I mean is a good principle yeah Okay so uh yeah You can see already here you know I mean That thing's a hell of a lot more Natural you know there's a story there Now Something's Happened you know you Know and also yeah you know short gin You know So We get in there and Split that to do some texture Try it off on there And actually what I'm going to do there Break the whole thing off And then tear it around You see already here that's got more About it yeah that whole thing Yeah texture yeah it's got texture now Yeah it actually looks like a broken Branch what what it's meant to look like And I'm going to continue up here doing That the whole thing here because this Is just gin for no reason you know I Mean it's crazy kids you know Um Stuff I think there's one in the front

Yeah that's aggressive I quite like this One yeah you know I may not do anything To that one yeah but most of them are Too long they're too long yeah you know And this one in particular yeah in the Front here Um and it looks like to me that there's Something behind that yeah so I'm gonna [Music] I'm gonna go in here because there's a Groove there and it looks like That will split away from that quite Nicely See this is an aggressive tune again Yeah So we're getting rid of that here and uh Replacing it yeah with a bit of a hole Over there now So I'll deal with this later on with the Carving tool yeah Or I might just split it that might Split again actually Or shall I leave it decision decisions Have a bit of proud He thinks either proud and then Hollow It might be yeah that could work you So Autumn It's just gin for Jin's sake yeah But like I said the guys who make these Trees in Japan are heroes you know no One even knows the names yet they're Anonymous these people yeah you know and Uh they do all this grafting here on the

On these trees here you know what I mean Then send them off the auction yeah And uh no one even gets to know they are They're they're Bonsai Farmers some of These guys uh A huge experts here you know what I mean In making incredible raw material yeah For people But that's all they're doing is making Rods areas you know Which is the Fantastic thing about Bonsai is uh You know you've got a chance to improve You and refine And that's that's the art of the thing And the love of the thing you know I Mean the the fun is in there So your way of making gin Is all different from what Naco used to Show you used to sort of sloping cut Because it just is more dramatic yeah And you end up these happy little Accidents here you know you know and These things you know it's tunable with You you know and all these tiny little Things here that are left here you know All you've got to do is clean off the Tiniest things the birds you have the Wire brush yeah but you still end up With this this small stuff that's very Hard here you know and uh and then very Natural yeah I mean you know narka to me was a God Yeah you know what I mean when I first

Saw John yeah doing Stuff I just thought oh my God you know You know he was An incredible teacher yeah But everyone's got their own way of Doing things yeah you know and they're All right yeah as long as they work yeah You know I'm so foreign textures Um it would be fantastic yeah they don't Want it you know but it's the it's the Fashion isn't it yes to whiten them up Yeah but I you know what I tend to do is I mix Indian ink with the with the lime Sulfur yeah so it's not Pure White you Know Um you know when in the mountains There's usually the sunlight the stomach Gets to the tree yeah and uh Before I do that And um They are pure white in the mountains Here but for some reason yeah it seems To be too Stark given you You do it on a uh Do it on a bonsai tree yeah so I just Tone it down here with some Indian ink [Music] Foreign You gotta watch it when you're doing This year that you Go near the live Vineyard Awesome damage

What did you first thing when you saw Each other While in those days Because no one had really experimented Or saw Gins being made so that was the Main thing that struck us so it's quite Incredible to say yeah I think the time when when I am When I got the the Gin craze yeah it was Um Not ginging but I do like it in Um was when I saw Dan Robinson in Birmingham yeah and um my God yeah you Know I mean he took this Juniper and Turned it into swiss cheese and uh you Know I was so intrigued because Everything in Bonsai yeah it takes a Million years you know and um he then Did this thing and a couple of hours Yeah And that was the thing that strucked me Here that you know the dead wood yeah Can be created in no time until actually With someone getting a pair of side cuts Because I'm gonna do the same thing I get over excited to use the wrong Tools Hybrid Is that big enough yes And I was actually doing Ginger the Other night here with the with your uh Japan flipper yeah oh Which is which is great tool yeah You know the one that I said is it well

I said where did you get that tool from The chapati flipper yeah Foreign [Music] Absolutely brilliant so By the time she said I want that yeah You're not going to be using that for Okay so you can see right yeah you know What about that Third gin arrangement in there now it's Um it's a lot more natural here in there Yeah Um Just looking for anything that's Worthy Jumping out of me yeah when you know Sort of five minutes here you know I Mean but you know you you can work on These things for an age yeah you know it Can take forever yeah you know but Actually this one was uh It was pretty easy yeah so already Without carving the texture is very nice On this it's completely different huh More elegant and uh and everything yeah Obviously I've got to get rid of this And there's no way I can get rid of this Year we're tearing you because it's too Near the Light phone yeah well you just Make a smooth one I'll just make it Smooth and what I'll do is Carver into Into this area yeah so that's what I'll Do next is do this well I'm not Going to do too much more today yeah Because now the dog was nice you know

You know I quite like it you know I mean It's not over the top anymore you want To look at the branches at all too [Music] I don't think I'd arrange the branches You because it's not been that long as If yeah you know so I think shall we cut That off we'll cut that off and do just Go right down What do you want me to do it Foreign But you can see this now this is a much More elegant this trunk here you can see The the line in the trunk now as well But you're right Pete yeah my God Wouldn't it be nicer if we could keep Two textures yeah the two different Colors But polyurethane It's incredible huh Just incredible isn't it I mean look how Close the the Rings are In that like a millimeter apart that's Quite an old prey isn't it yeah So what have we here have here apart From the tree I have Kevin as well so This you must be wondering what it is It looks rather yellow but this Is a Japanese five needle Pine that is Grown on its own roots I imported this tree maybe about 20 Years ago from Japan could be even more And it was a very beautiful tree mainly Because it is a multi-trump tree so it

Had one two three four five six Six trunks it may have even had seven But whatever it is is multi-trunk and You must be wondering why it's looking a Bit yellow The fire needle Pines from Japan which Are grown on their own Roots had the Slightly yellowish cost to it The ones which are grafted on the Black Pine and the other varieties like zusho And the very small yatsu booster type And they're more green but the ordinary Five needle Which on their own Roots have this Yellow cost but it's also not a very Strong tree So when it came from Japan the first Couple of years in the Bonsai portrait Was okay but they gradually go downhill So much so that in desperation I have to Put it in a big Pot like this this is like nearly like 80 to 100 liter pot And I'm regrowing it But in the meantime Certainly two or three of the trunks Have died But the rest of the tree is picking up Gradually Another reason why it may have died is That most Japanese trees when they come From Japan they are fumigated and dosed With chemical to kill all the bugs and The nematodes so their drenched with all

Sorts of chemicals I don't know what Chemicals they use and they also cast in These gas Chambers again I've got what Gas is used they fumigated so they kill All the bugs so as you can imagine these Trees suffer and are stressed a great Deal when they arrive all right in the Country that Imports them so that's Another reason why it may not have been So strong So always not lost I'm gradually trying To revive this tree but meanwhile Kevin And I look at it so Kevin has some ideas So let us see what Kevin thinks about This tree Yeah well I have to say yeah it's um I think it took me out the back and Showed me a few trees said look I think What I have to do here you know and uh I Saw this uh White Pine on its own Rootstock I'd had a very weak here but Pete's managed to get this back here to A reasonable Health here but I can work On it Um and for me the kabadachi style which Is this year you know which is multiple Trunks is amazing because what it does Is it it travels up quadruples up your Illusion you have one trunk here that Has a natural patina to it and then the Next one yeah has the same look here you Know so it's uh it's my absolute Favorite style yeah so I was looking at This and also right yeah you have these

Dead trunks in here So it's not the worst isn't it you can Be dead and still be an asset yeah but Listen this Um what this is going to do I'm gonna Actually make these dead wooden part of The the forest yeah Um it's just showing the idea you know I Mean a lot of the times in Bonsai yeah What we try and do so yeah we try to Show trees in Decline yeah you know I Mean they're ancient so this is playing Into my hand you you know I mean we have This one naturally done beautiful the Energy in there just because it's dead Yeah it doesn't make it any less a Beautiful tree you know so we have this One this one you know it just items we Have the principle of three yeah through Here with the dead so it runs all the Way through the tree and this is the Thing that Drew it to me I was looking At it and I thought okay yeah we can Really do something with that so I'm Going to be very gentle with it yeah as Far as the foliage goes here but you Know probably very uh brutal yeah with The Deadwood yeah you know what I mean But look at this look at this way this Dead wood gonna look through here yeah It's just gonna look fantastic here you Know okay so we'll see what we can do Here See this one but yeah it's uh it's just

Beautiful yeah because you know I was Saying earlier on you um that you know When you want to make a fantastic Junior If you style the tree in a certain way And then kill that Branch later on to Make it part of it it's already curved So it's already got all the movement Yeah that this kabadashi had yeah you Know so they were wired for the stuff oh Definitely you know so look at this Beautiful Journey out here you know it's Uh and this top part here you know with The with the Apex Shoe you know I mean It's absolutely stunning yeah you know And um you know once once we've actually Sorted out all the foliage here that's Going to be a foil year for the whole Design yeah You prefer to use your branch cutter for That sort of work I always use to focus Circus Oh he's to their own I mean you know I Do use falcos yeah I'll tell you what yeah if A little tip out there for anyone that's Employing a gardener right if they don't Come in with a pair of Falcons don't Employ them that's right In fact everyone has to have their own Focus you go to anywhere Wesley even Steve has this habit he has his own Focus It's like a toothbrush I always say yeah Don't let other people use your tools

Sure yeah but I will get why are you Biting into it with the bronze splitter You want to thin the trunk no it's oh Yeah I'm just trying to get this so You're not just a moving box no no I'm Trying to create some sort of texture But you've got to be careful not to take Too much off you can't take too much Yeah you know I mean when you're doing Something that's obviously just the Surface here just to make this you know These little happy accidents here all The way around here yeah so it's not all Smooth when we're finished here it's got Some nature in there so you're removing Bits like this yeah I mean obviously Yeah if this was uh newly uh dyed year You know I mean then we could actually Tear it all the way down here so it's a Delicate process okay good He's gonna have to play the roles Like dance music sometimes you can't Play Music Obviously where it goes into the live There you know I'm going to do that yeah And you also get some natural shapes out Of here so This is where you can't get carried away Take too much air and then you end up Destroying the gin yeah but you know It's nice just to get that texture on Some of these and the other thing is you Can manipulate these with fire even

Though these branches are really quite Old And uh you know been gone a long time You can't get in there you know there is A certain amount of residue of resin Here in there yeah so you know when you Put the fire on you you can actually Move stuff yeah you know and it will Start you But yeah you have to heat it up quite a Lot In the bark Foreign About this reverse tape here you know Because you're seeing the drama in there So that's the best it's incredibly red Isn't it So what I'm going to do now Is go over clean up what I've got yeah And start going in with the smaller Tools yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Ha ha [Music] Foreign So today is the end of the third day That I've had Kevin Wilson and Chrissy Here to help us and we've been working On trees we're not conducting workshops But the next time Kevin comes he'll be Doing workshops with selected

Participants so what has he done here so He's Transformed this beautiful Japanese you You infected several Japanese use That's another one And this was a pine that we were Resuscitating growing on and we've Reshaped that restyled that I will At the end of the day take it against The white background to show you the Detail and this tree this multi trunk Japanese five needed Pine on its own Roots you can see how it's coming along I think you are fascinated by this tree Kevin because of the multi trunk Although it had about two or three Trunks dead yeah that's become a feature Of the trees let's spin it around and Have a look so which is your front the Other side well I think my front is About there yes yeah okay Um it's just the way you you know the Reflection of those dead wood yeah goes Through the tree yeah all right and uh You know I think we'll you know what We're actually doing is had a bit of a Shock you've brought it back to health And uh you know we're restoring its Dignity basically yeah you know so from Time to time you know a lot of people Think that Bonsai spent all their lives In Bonsai pots not so they do go Downhill and you got to resuscitate them And this tree as I said earlier on in

The earlier part of the video uh Suffered maybe when it was imported from Japan from too much fumigation too much Chemical and the fact that these five Needle Pines on their own roots are not As strong as the Japanese White Pines Which are on crafted Black Pine Rootstock so that is another reasonable So they always have this slightly Yellowish cost So here we are enjoying ourselves so Um what we like about these sessions is That we have a great time not just to Import as I but we chat about other Things Yeah I've always fascinated by your work Kevin because Um I've treated you like a god or Godfather because I'm not into carving And I really honestly I'm not flattering You you are what we call the Top man in Bonsai mainly for carving and For styling so your trees have won so Many awards which uh the likes of us Never hope to achieve all the no Landers Awards and all these great things So we do different styles of bonsai and Our admire your style so how did you get Into your style because your style is Pretty unique isn't it I think um The thing that I've I've done is I've You know it was Dan Robertson yeah that Really got me started here with the Carving oh

Um you know I saw him back in that Big Show in Birmingham oh you know and nine To one yeah and he said you have to Become a student of nature yeah cool and Uh that's actually what I've done is um You know it's become a student of nature Basically you know so you know I've gone Out in the mountains and studied trees You know according to Woodlands and Studied trees and but your carving skill Did you develop those skills just off Your on your own Yeah absolutely yeah I mean uh what I Did here was take photographs of pieces Of Deadwood you're out in the forest and Then copied them yeah so I'd make a Print out yeah but you're not a quite a Joiner or a carpenter no no my God yeah If you asked me to make a even a shoe Box yeah it would be crooked yeah you Know what I mean it's uh you know I'm no Way to join it yet I do corners and Rounds and okay and in and outs here but Not not straight lines here you know so You know that's probably why I'm good at The Garden thing yeah you know I Remember seeing that famous you of yours At Birmingham in 91. we were all blown Away because no one had ever produced Trees of that quality and caliber so we Always in awe of you you know from that And I think that is your iconic tree Isn't it the formal yeah formal upright One how tall was almost like three or

Four feet yeah it was a meter yeah just Just over the 90 yeah the three foot six Inches yeah and um but I think the thing That the people were intrigued about was The under planting oh because uh why I Was doing the tree year I collected out Of an Old Quarry in Kent but when I was Doing it I thought I want to put a bit Of pizzazz in this tree and I always Want to do that and tell the story so Any branch that I cut off I ginned the Branch if you remember Riley and then When I lost it I laid the branches on The floor like they'd fallen off the Tree yeah okay and I think that's the Thing that intrigued everyone yeah there Was a story on the on the on the bottom Of the pot as well as the tree you know So I think that's the thing yeah you Know it's um you know when people go Past the tree on The Concourse here when They're being exhibited yeah they stand There right and try and understand the Story of the tree yeah you know I Noticed that you always refer to uh Imagining the Bonsai as a story yeah and I have never thought of it like that and That must help isn't but how supposing Someone doesn't have imagination because Not everyone has imagination well I Think I mean it's not really imagination Because it's like physicalities here you Know what I mean it's you know you know

Things you put on the tree will be the You know there'll actually be a physical Uh like this thing you can see on the Side of the hill or something isn't it I Mean this thing's obviously right now Right yeah before yeah it was probably Slightly Windswept yeah you know a Little cops on its own somewhere near The sea Um but all this is done here is made it Look much older you know so you know we Just um just giving it his dignity back Here you know what I mean but it's got a Lot more age about it yeah you know I Mean it's uh you know it's looking much How long do some of these gin last Because they can't last forever they Will rot eventually what would you say 10 years I don't think so yeah you know I mean there's no techniques now we're Putting wood hardness on the jeans and I Think lime sulfur preserves them and you Know pretty well but I reckon if you can Get 10 to 15 years enjoyment that's enough Oh wow I mean come on you know you know That's enough enjoyment yeah but you Know I mean some of the old Gins you see On uh you know like like the king of uh Pines here the one one with the uh you Know this has the tabernacci branch here Coming down here it's Hollow yeah you Know Um they're always moving the deadwood's

Moving as well as the foliage here so That it's a living artwork that's always Changing yeah so But for the moment yeah there's Something really dramatic gear going Through the tree with these with these Dead trunks here you know I mean and by The time we've Finished placing the foliage yeah the True uh some dignity back you know I Mean you know and as for size of bonsai You know some people laughed at anything Over two and a half or even three feet Is not a bonsai always have to remind Them in the China you get Bonsai 15 feet Tall God it's a granite and marble spots The Chinese I remember looking through One of these uh uh Chinese uh books and Um and then the next page here was the Guy who had done it yes standing next to It yeah you know I mean and I actually Thought they were Marmite or something You know you know and then I realized You know this this tree was twice the Size of the guy yeah you know it's just Uh I don't know how they repot or Anything you know I mean how do they do It yeah Thailand and Vietnam they have Some very big trees yeah yeah yeah Incredible you know so this is nothing Not that big isn't it no but it's quite A big tree isn't it you know we're on The edge here where it's uh I think over A major here becomes a temple tree

Doesn't it or something like that yeah You know Um so we're on the edge a little bit of That yeah but the big trees have an Impact yeah that's right you cannot Ignore those you know what I mean you Know things with thick trunks you know You can't ignore it yeah I don't like Big trees or you don't yeah that's it Yeah you know what I mean I mean there's A huge fashion Now isn't there for sure And everyone loves a show in you you Know I mean and also yes us guys are Getting older and God our bags are Probably gone and uh we probably need to Do showing as well yeah you know what I Mean but no we're going to carry on Doing big three zombies Like this this is Victory There's only three foot yeah they didn't Get out of fashion for us yeah Okay so all right so to the next time There'll be workshops for participants The next time you come so let's look Forward to that and when these are done I will take some stirs and put this on YouTube all everyone has to enjoy okay People enjoy your videos I know they Love your style of talking and they got To get used to the uh you know are you Cockney like yeah like Jamie's I was Like Jamie Oliver you know yeah there's A lot of this drawing comes out when I'm

Talking you know but uh yeah I wouldn't Say I'm a cockney I would say you know Don't come from South End originally Yeah so it's estere you know I don't Know what I am because I always hate my A lot of people well I used to have Funny blend of which is clearly an Indian accent it's not a Chinese accent Or a Hong Kong accent or Singaporean Accent So when they hear me without seeing me They think it's an Indian speaking who Is that Bloody Indian yeah The first time I met you actually that Uh you know when you came out to me and Started talking and I thought he's not That's not a Chinese accent what the Hell is that yeah you know now you have A great voice sure people love your Voice please yeah you know that yeah Anyway okay so we've had a lovely time And not only that what we don't show in The videos are the dinner parties we Have oh my God Ashant tell people what we talked about In there We talked about the characters of bonsai And So anyway so there you go so thanks for Coming Kevin and this will be a very Nice video for people to enjoy and I Believe you're watching my YouTube Videos as well yeah yeah thanks buddy Yeah thank you very much yeah thank you

Peter [Music] Foreign

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