Master the Art of Pruning: A Guide to Pruning Hibiscus and Black Locust Trees – Insights from The Bonsai Zone – June 2023

In June 2023, The Bonsai Zone shares valuable insights on mastering the art of pruning, specifically for hibiscus and black locust trees. With their expertise, readers can learn the proper techniques and methods to achieve a healthy and thriving garden. Whether novice or seasoned, the guide provides comprehensive steps to pruning with ease and confidence. Follow along and elevate your gardening skills to the next level.

Pruning is a crucial part of maintaining the health and shape of your trees. However, it can be a daunting task for beginners. Luckily, expert bonsai practitioner Nigel Saunders from The Bonsai Zone has shared his insights and techniques on how to prune hibiscus and black locust trees. In this article, we will delve deeper into Saunders’ video demonstration of pruning three hibiscus trees and learn how to master the art of pruning.

A Review of Nigel Saunders’ Pruning Techniques

Saunders started with the most complex tree, a cutting of the Fire and Ice Hibiscus tree. He determined the best front view of the tree, marked it, and began working on the branches and apex. Saunders pruned off a smaller branch and left larger branches that could become trunk lines. He picked the best branches and divided the ones from the same point to avoid having them be too thick. Saunders removed the thick branch at the back to improve the tree’s taper and help it look thicker and more mature.

Next, Saunders worked on the yellow-flowering hibiscus tree, which was fairly new. He pruned it down to the main trunk and removed the small branches, revealing the tree’s basic structure.

For the black locust tree, Saunders emphasized the importance of leaving only the essential branches. He cleaned up the cuts to avoid any damage or infection to the tree.

Saunders’ techniques focused on creating a pleasing basic structure that can be built on in the future. He left no unfinished sentences and made sure all cuts were clean.

The Bonsai Zone: A Hub of Pruning Expertise

Saunders has YouTube playlists showcasing his Fire and Ice Hibiscus, Yellow Hibiscus, and Black Locust bonsai trees. These playlists highlight the steps and techniques that he took in creating and maintaining the trees.

The Bonsai Zone is a valuable resource for those who are interested in bonsai tree cultivation and pruning. Saunders’ videos offer an in-depth look into the process of pruning and provide detailed explanations of his techniques.


Pruning is an essential part of maintaining the health and shape of your trees. However, it can be a challenging task for beginners. Fortunately, Nigel Saunders from The Bonsai Zone has shared his expertise by demonstrating his techniques for pruning hibiscus and black locust trees. His focus on creating a pleasing basic structure ensures that your trees will have a strong foundation for future growth. By following Saunders’ techniques and resources, you too can master the art of pruning.


  1. Why is pruning important?
  • Pruning is important for maintaining the health and shape of your trees. It promotes new growth and helps prevent diseases.
  1. How often should I prune my trees?
  • The frequency of pruning depends on the type of tree and its growth rate. It is recommended to prune deciduous trees in the winter when they are dormant and to prune evergreen trees in the spring.
  1. What tools do I need for pruning?
  • The basic tools for pruning include pruning shears, loppers, and a pruning saw. Make sure your tools are clean and sharp to avoid damage to the tree.
  1. How do I know which branches to prune?
  • It is best to prune dead, diseased, or damaged branches. You can also prune branches that are crossing over other branches or growing in a direction that goes against the tree’s overall form.
  1. Can pruning be harmful to trees?
  • Pruning can be harmful if done improperly or excessively. It can result in damage to the tree and may lead to infections or diseases. That’s why it’s essential to know the proper techniques before pruning your trees.

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