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Juniper Air Layering

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I’M going to show you what we are doing with these etoigawa junipers. These junipers are from Japan. They are quite old trees, as you can see, they’ve got beautiful, Twisted trunk. Look at the detail in here, so the trees are complete up to here.

They’Re going to be like a show entry, but I asked the grower to keep the top part instead of cutting it off so that I could reproduce from it. So they have been deliberately kept on my instruction so that I can propagate from it.

So if you can see the entire process, I will show you what I’ve done. So these are the bags ready for the air layering. I use the old akadama plastic bags to recycle and make these little bags and, of course, making the bag.

I have cut the bark as well, so you can see the roots are going to come from above and with junipers. They have these nodules on the trunk and these are their dormant Roots. So, with these dormant Roots, the tree would root very very easily.

So, although junipers don’t need hormone rooting powder, I’m going to use some hormone rooting powder just to speed the process up, so I wet it a little bit. I sometimes wet the hormone rooting powder and then with that I paint about that this portion.

So this is all I do so that’s just one. I do them whole batch of them at one time, so this is just hormone rooting powder. The you can also use what we call hormone rooting liquid and the chemical in.

That is what they call indulyl. Butyric acid IBA. For short, if you want to know that is what hormone rooting uh medium is all about. So after making these little bags, I then use this Magnum Moss. I sometimes recycle the sphagnum Moss from other heirlooms when the earrings are finished.

I sometimes take the excess, sphagnum moss and I use that as well. Many people ask me: do you have to only use Magnum mosque? Can’T you use other things? Yes, you can, because, when I grew up as a boy in India, I remember the gardeners used to just use ordinary mud, ordinary Garden, Mud like clay almost and that was used to put in these little Hessian bags and the bags were then tied up and hey Presto in about two or three weeks they used to root because the temperature is so hot and it’s so damp and moist that you don’t have to wait long before these air layerings will root.

So this is how I do the air layering layering. I’Ve always said that I like to use clear plastic bag because when the roots come, you can see the roots. As always, we continually do this now. These hitogawas were done only about six weeks ago.

Today is the 24th of September. I think this was done. Maybe around the 25th of August just a month, can you imagine it was only done a month ago and look at the roots on this one, absolutely masses of roots.

This also was done a month ago. Look at the roots on this and now Josh was the cameraman today tells me that this was done only two weeks ago and look at it two weeks ago and already the roots are coming so Juniper’s root ever so easily.

So let me show you what I will do with it by the way it is today, the 24th of September. You Must Be Wondering Why am I doing entering so late in the year with deciduous trees like Maples? The ideal time is from April to about July April May June July.

You can do it and the ones I do in April, usually route by the middle of June, and I can separate it. I’Ve already separated hundreds of aliens and these ones were done in third week in August and in one month they have rooted.

So let us cut this off and put this up. Can you imagine one month, I’ve got a new plant. How good is that? So this is a new detour. Let us take it apart and show you the wonderful results. We’Ve had it’s all about sustainability, recycling, no waste! Thank you.

I love this part of the process. Look at it! Look at the beautiful roots see how excited I am look at that beauty. There you go yeah see from up here, see all these nodules, they form Roots. So the first thing I do is to pot it up.

I could even start wiring this straight away. I got an instant bonsai in just what one month. Okay, in fact it’s got such a lot of roots. I may not even have to use sphagnos, I could put it straight in the soil and then I would stand it in a little tray with water and then another two weeks.

The whole pot will be filled with roots and then we can start shaping the tree. So there you are new plant in just four weeks time. Four weeks time already, looking like a bonsai and, of course, with this one, I will do as a separate exercise a shaping of these trees.

So this tree I will grow the branches long and just wind. These down and I’ve got a very nice one side. Let’S separate this one as well. This one also all very exciting. How cute is that? Look at that beautiful tree? Okay, I love dinner instant Bonsai, look at that Beauty, so these are available only from us and then another air layering.

Here I don’t want to cut the wire too much I like to recycle The Wire foreign. I think Josh has got Airline down to a fine art, so at the moment Josh is our main Airline ring is or not, and you perfect it by constant practice.

I did a class back in June and we had about 10 people in the class, but only two people had successful Airline, so obviously some people are better at doing it than others. It’S another area done look at the beautiful roots on there, foreign [, Music, ] trees, in effect here, which are in our shape.

So these will all be here. This one, as I said, was only done two weeks ago. It’S already showing some signs of roots, but I’ll wait another four weeks for more routes to come. So I’m not in a rush to do that.

One! There you go so this is all about air layering junipers. So you can do this any time of the year. It is now Autumn and I can continue doing it into the winter, so junipers can be alien throughout the year.


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