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Correcting a 500 Year Old Mistake in Bonsai | Q&A

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I’d like to introduce a new type of Q&A where you send me photos of your bonsai and I will do my best to provide you with advice on next steps for shaping and growth. Please email your photos and questions to

0:00 Introduction
0:30 Beautiful fall foliage
2:48 Email me your bonsai photos!
3:32 How to pronounce “bonsai”
6:15 What size bonsai wire to use
8:04 Soil mix substitutes
9:12 How to winterize trees
9:53 How to turn hackberry trees into bonsai

To stay up to date on my bonsai, which will be available for purchase later this year, please sign up for my emails at bonsaiheirloom.com.

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Questions about your bonsai? Leave a comment below or you can reach out to me at I’ll do my best to help!

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The critique is about my pronunciation The word bonai and I want to tell you All those pronunciation are [Music] Wrong hi I'm Milton Chango the airom It's beautiful day and not too cold uh We are starting to have cold nights now Around in low 40s or high 30s this is Time to enjoy um foliage color and uh Japanese maple tree is a Particularly uh favorite bonai material The Tree here is a u so-called ozaka Zuki uh which I think uh is in the Cota Part of uh Japan and uh you can see this tree has Beautiful red foliage at the starting to And then the other one uh which is Exactly the bought at the same time same Variety same Graft uh the foliage are really drying Out and I want to show you that for a Couple reasons one is that you have to Select trees they have good foliage Color some of them don't some of them Will have yellowish and just fade out uh Some have brilliant red uh like the ones In Kyoto Gardens and ozaka Zuki is the Variety in Kyoto Gardens and and yet they grow in the Same condition the two trees one has a Little bit more water than the other one And one has a beautiful foliage so uh Not only do you have to select the right

Tree you also have to provide a good Environment so uh you can modify that um To somewhat uh by watering it carefully And all that uh in Southern California Often times uh a hot spell will kill all The leaves and you really don't have Full color but so you really do need Colder and maybe more wetter weather to Get the good fall color and so uh in the Selection of uh bonai airom trees we try To select varieties which we will call a BH select varieties later on for various Trees will have red foliage so stay Tuned send us your uh mailing address so We notify you of trees availability and So forth uh with that then I want to Remind you Click like if you think my video is uh Informative and give me some Encouragement and uh subscribe to our Channel and tell a friend about our Channel and then send us email address We'll send you material that's gerine to Your um a weather condition the next Thing ID like to encourage to send me Photos of your trees I'm very uh Interested I want to really make sure That the uh Bon alom Q&A really sered The broad interest of my audience so so I think one of the interesting things is To see what uh can be done to uh random Trees that people send photos in so uh I Think part of the program we devote to Is that you send me a photo of your tree

That you perplexed about how to do it And I will try to maybe even add a Little hand sketch or something to show You what it can be done what it will Become uh I think that will be quite Informative and educational and I Learned something from that doing that Every time uh the Q&A uh one Gentleman uh has been quite persistent About three times semi essentially the Same uh email uh to say or same comment To say that I pronounce it incorrectly First of all Let me give myself an Excuse for not pronouncing words Properly I have two tooths removed uh For Implant so in the meantime there are Two holes so I'm having little Difficulty in N properly so please Excuse me for another month or so Another four episodes then then I'll be Allet um the uh uh the second reason is That you know I didn't learn my English ABC until I was 12 so I'm a little bit Disadvantaged in terms of Pronunciation that's okay that's a silly Excuse but lastly to be more serious uh The critique is about my pronunciation The word bonai or bonai or whatever it Is and I want to tell you all those Pronunciation are wrong uh just like my Uh puppy shitu it's a basad translation Of Shu in peing knes where the dog Originated it means lion and lion is Shitu not shitsu but every call

Everybody calls the dog shitsu so it's Shitsu So everybody calls it bonai so it's Bonai but let's look at this this is the Uh modern bonai in Japanese and that's Where bone and that's aai uh in Kani in Chinese and 500 to a thousand years ago There were a lot of monks and Scholars Sent to China to to be Culturized and when they went back they Took the Chinese words and translate Them into Japanese in a sense of the Japanese version pronunciation of the Chinese words so let me pronounce it for You properly this time bone means Pot a pun in Chinese pun not bong it's a Pun and that's Sai right that word means Culture growing Cultivate that's where in Chinese p Not b Or so let's get the clear the air let me Do pronounce it however I wait because It's okay because you got the message Okay I'm having fun sorry now let me go To this week's Q&A uh the first question is that what Size wire should I use I I advocate Thicker wire not the little guy you Really don't need to wire the uh little Branch that really only makes 6 months Or three months difference in the speed Of deliv developing the uh uh the uh the The the paths uh so you sticker wire to

Uh wire the branches so here's what I'll Do if you have a really long thick Branch you really can't wire it without You know really fighting it so what I Would suggest is to pull it down with Guy wire and then wire the little other Branches and add a little bit of twist To it and that you use thicker wire I Would say the starting point is the 1 MIM thick and so that's 18 to 20 gauge Wires and you use that as a starting Point and go to the lower number the Lower number the thicker the gauge and Uh and then when you wire it wire it Loosely to bend it first you you you Bend it to passes yel point so you Really don't take much effort for the Wire to to turn it so you bend it and Then you wire to hold it in place and Then you turn it again your wire in Place and then remove them quickly a Month or two at most uh it it may bounce Back a little bit but generally it's it Will stay put because the tree has grown To stiffen it uh so I think that's what A recommend so to answer your question Short short answer is that uh start with The 18 to 20 gauge wire and go down from Uh go yeah go down or go up from there Uh thanks for the uh Recipe um and the question is really can I exchange uh P Moss for coconut coril Or um compost uh Leaf mode and I say uh Leaf mod uh compost is excellent

Material and so is coconut core and the Person object to PE Moss is because it's Not good for the environment to remove Them from the uh p m from the Environment so yeah coconut Co and U Compost or any kind of organic material Um you know leaves uh you have to a Little bit careful with the leaf mold For example uh in a good old days they Recommend using a lot of Oak uh Leaf uh For um planting aelia and adding acid to The soil Well turns out they're very Stiff and takes long term to de okay and So you create a lot of Hol and um you Know uh porous and if you order it Carefully it's great if not uh the The Roots dried out so a little bit careful But yes leave more is great I live in Zone six uh can I take trees inside the Winter season I would say uh winter Season uh it's good idea because there's No leaves so the trees is more likely to Survive uh on the other hand I think It's really best in your cold weather to Wait until the springtime then you don't Then you don't to winterize your tree Because the tree roots are protected by The soil but once you dig it out it can Freeze over and that's not so good for The trees so I would suggest that you Hold off until the springtime and during The summer time maybe dig around a Little bit uh to force fiber roots to Grow so that you are more likely to get

The trees alive so was it the uh the uh Cyprus grown in a ground first I have Some Lar he Berry in the tree may I do Some air layering or or uh put some uh Seeds in the ground yes I think the Um uh you can do as you point out to me Uh that heckber you can do root cutting Uh do cutting do uh planting the seeds To air layering uh it's a really Excellent excellent Bon that material It's really too bad that it's not Popular in the US and I was told one of The audience I think this is the Wonderful part about the Bonza aom Audience is that they're providing Feedback to enrich the knowledge of the Bonza aom Community uh there are two Kinds of a northern and southern American head Berry both are excellent Material in fact maybe better than the Chinese Hackberry because they have Rough barks so with that in mind I have An I have fun answering all your Questions today and thank you for uh Tuning in uh please please click like if You to give me some Encouragement uh subscribe to our Channel tell our friend about us and Also write us about your with your email Address and mailing list so we can Notify you of appropriate trees for your Area when they're available so thank you Very much see you next week

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