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Chinese Elm Disaster Recovery

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I welcome to the first of our bonds are By design instructional videos I will Try and tackle some of the questions That we get asked a lot as a business And first one Chinese elm this is Probably the most popular bonsai tree Pretty much everybody I’ve ever spoken To his first bonsai tree and it Certainly was mine in fact prior to the 3-4 memory and as I was 18 min on being A little while quite often people get Chinese arms had them for a while and This is what I get presented with a Picture of a tree that looks something Like this usually accompanied by the Words help or something very similar and So I’m just going to go through a set of Quick and easy steps on how to get your Chinese on from this but for this first Things first This particular one had leaves on so That’s a good start it looks like There’s still some light in it but to Double-check take your thumbnail scrape Off a little piece of bark if the main Color underneath and well know if you Can see that from the video is green Then your tree star live if it’s brown There’s a good chance it’s dead the good News is that Chinese Elms are in general Pretty indestructible so unless you’ve Set fire to it or chopped it out of a Two-story window chances are is probably Risk or more so what we need to do first

Of all ensure where you keep the Chinese Elm is fairly temperature stable so Windowsills with direct Sun are not Great anywhere near a radiator is not Great A cold windowsills or somewhere where Overnight the temperature drops a lot is A stable temperature as you can find So that’s the first rule of thumb so When your tree is like this what you Need to do is get as much moisture as Possible to the center of the root ball Because nine times out of ten the issue With this is that although it’s being Watered it maybe is being watered from The top and the waters not soaking into The root ball properly or it’s being Misted or given a teaspoon of water a Day or not watered for a week at a time So you need to make sure that the water Gets right to the center of the room for The way to do this stand the tree in a Tray or sink or whatever fill with water On doing this in an old plane trailer I’ll clean out and so obviously you can If you’re at home you can stand it in The sink or wherever it needs to be so This tray isn’t particular isn’t quite Deep enough but hopefully you can see That that is filled that’s filled too Close to the edge of it at the top of The pot you can even go so it’s spilling Over a little bit into the soil itself Now leave it a good 10 minutes go and

Have a cup of tea top of whisky or plain Whichever is your favorite good leave The tree so when you come back the water Would have been psyched up into the root Ball and making sure it’s soaked right To the very center so now remove set the Tree to drain somewhere and now that Process should be repeated once every Couple of days or when the soil looks Dry and if you keep up that regime what You’ll start to see Is this lots of new shoots this tree two Weeks ago look very like this but now You can see there’s lots of new growth Coming and if all along it will be back To this so and that’s what we look up so That’s really disaster recovery for Chinese Elms my intention is to do a Selection of these videos based on Questions that we get asked so if you Watch this on youtube please leave me a Comment if there’s something else you Want to know and we’ll do our best to Tablet and obviously the more people Asked for the same thing and the more Chances of that video being produced so Thank you very much for watching and I’ll talk doing the next Cheers You You [Music]

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